Focus on G-d’s Word
March 31, 2020
It has been awhile since I wrote a “Word for the Week.” So much has happened in the past three to four weeks that has totally changed the world in which we live. At this point, most of us are sheltering in our homes in response to our government’s request so that we can do our part to help fight against this pandemic that has literally taken over our world. Fear and uncertainty seek to exert themselves over the hearts of men and women, young adults, teenagers, and children. Many are struggling with despair and hopelessness as they watch the news reports, are bombarded with social media posts, and see the world around them.
How do we cope with this? What is the answer to what is happening in our world? I believe the answers are found in G-d alone and in His Word. I want to encourage you with the following truths to help you stay grounded in faith during this season.
G-d is still on the throne. Tehillim 103.19 says, “God’s heavenly throne is eternal, secure, and strong, and His sovereignty rules the entire universe.” When we are in a crisis, when the storm is raging around us, it is easy to forget this truth. G-d is still G-d and He is ruling over your life and this world. Do not be moved by the storm. Keep your focus on Him. He told the psalmist, “Be still and know that I am G-d.”
G-d is all powerful. Tehillim 147.5 declares, “How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing His power cannot accomplish.” The coronavirus is not more powerful than our G-d. The governments of this world are not more powerful than G-d. He has all power and as Yeshua said, “Nothing is impossible for Him.” He is the G-d who created the world out of nothing. He spoke and it came into existence. He parted the Red Sea so Israel could walk across on dry land. He multiplied a few loaves and fishes to feed 5,000. He raised the dead, healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf. He is still that powerful today!
G-d is your provider. He promises to sustain us and to take care of every need we have. Yeshua tells us not to worry about what we will eat or drink. Take a look at the lilies of the field. Adonai takes care of them, how much more will He take care of you. Rav Shaul tells us in Philippians that Adonai will provide for ALL of your needs according to His riches in glory. (Philippians 4.19)
G-d has not given us a spirit of fear. The Scriptures reveal that perfect love casts out all fear. (1 John 4.18) One of the greatest tool the enemy uses is the spirit of fear. It is rampant in our world today. The enemy is using the airwaves of media and social media to promote fear. It is not from G-d. Let us abide in the love of our heavenly Father. He delights to lavish His love upon you and me and to saturate us with His shalom.
Prayer is a powerful tool/weapon that Adonai has given to us. On Shabbat I spoke on Prevailing Prayer. (There is a link to the message at the bottom of the email.) Friends, as the body of Messiah we need to rise up as the warriors that He has called us to be and take our stand against the forces of evil trying to kill, steal, and destroy the promises and life of G-d from us, our families, our communities and our world. We need to engage the enemy with the authority given to us by Yeshua, our Messiah, who defeated haSatan and the forces of darkness through His death on the tree of sacrifice. This is the hour for you and me to prevail in prayer until breakthrough comes. Yeshua declared, “I have given you ALL authority.” That authority needs to be used in prayer to break the chains of darkness off your life, your marriages, your finances, your loved ones, and this world. Prevailing prayer is a prayer that will not give up until the heavens are opened and the answer comes.
Let us choose to focus on these truths – to ground our thoughts and emotions on the character of G-d and on the promises of His Word. These truths will sustain each one of us and will enable us to walk through this season of live victoriously and in great peace.
Ahavah v’brachah (Love and Blessings),
Rabbi Carol
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